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Vita Kostiuk
ART & portrait & Family photographer

Why are printed photos so important to me?
My grandparents aren't with us for a long time. Quite recently, by chance, I came across a photo album of my grandmother, she was from an intelligent family, a teacher in third generation.
I remember her already quite old, with glasses, and on her face - a thick web of wrinkles. But when I opened her photo album, her young years, wartime, young men in uniform, girls, including my grandmother, in dresses in floral prints and ruffles - came to life in front of me. In the photo my grandmother laughed, danced, rode a boat with her friends, studied at the institute, raised her sons, and at the end hugged little me.
There are a lot of other people's photos, and each signature on the back says: "For a long memory to Lyubochka from ...", "For a long memory to Alyoshenka and Lyubochka from ...", and smiles from black and white photos. And I got goosebumps all over me because there is no longer either Lyubochka or Alyoshenka, but a long memory lives on in these photos.
I raised my head and looked at my brother, who was sitting near to me, and asked: "Where are our photographs?" Many of them died along with floppy disks, many are on CDs, which are now also a problem to open. A lot of photos on clouds or vertical storage. But what will our grandchildren take in their hands? What keeps the memory of our life?
Let's make you a photo session and remember your "today", or send me your photos,
I will print them out or make a photo book out of them.
Photobook is a book created from your photos. When creating kvitochkaFoto photo books, your photos are carefully processed and arranged in accordance with stylistic norms and color schemes. As a result, you hold in your hands your memories that pop up in your photos in the format of a wonderful photo album.
If your photos are tired of languishing on electronic media or on the Internet, I will be happy to help you transform them into the following forms:
- printed photos;
- photo books with your photos;
- photo prints on canvas.
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